Sunday, March 6, 2011

SETI: NASA's Big Embarrassment

As the fine folks at SETI continue to aim their giant radio telescopes at designated areas of the cosmos, thousands of UFO sightings occur around the world. Every day becomes more embarrassing for this NASA program. The U.S.government has refused to fund the High Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS), since 1993, so  it is now paid for by private donations. It is amazing how SETI has managed to obtain private funding for a project that would have been a ridiculous idea in the1950's. I can only guess that SETI is underwritten by UFO skeptics and diehards so set in their belief that Earth is the only inhabited planet in the universe, that they ignore worldwide audio, visual and physical evidence. What would happen if the HRMS actually found an alien signal from space? Based on NASA's track record, the information would be suppressed and denied. Who knows, the signal or signals may have already been received, and if not maybe the SETI crew should stop listening, and start looking at the stars. Heck, even the official NASA STS videos show evidence of UFO's.

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