Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Paul - Movie Review

The sci-fi spoof "Paul" has been well received by audiences the past few weeks. It stars Seth Rogen as the voice of Paul, a wisecracking, foul-mouthed, chain smoking alien who also has his soulful moments. The movie begins with Paul on the run from the infamous Area 51 in the Nevada desert. He crashes an FBI cruiser and meets two nerdy Englishmen played by Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. They have just left Comic-Con, and are on the way to the Roswell crash site. The trio are chased by an FBI agent played by Jason Bateman, who takes his orders from "The Big Guy", played by Sigourny Weaver. He is helped, but mostly hindered by two agents who try to make a name for themselves by capturing Paul. Kristin Wiig plays the pent up daughter of a bible thumping RV park owner, and has several funny scenes as the love interest for Simon Pegg. Also, Jeffrey Tambor, as Adam Shadowchild, an offbeat sci-fi writer steals his scenes. The movie is filled with gay references, and inside jokes about area 51. It keeps moving throughout, and has very few stale moments. Paul has a predictable, but entertaining ending, and leaves you wanting more. Who knows, maybe Paul II. I give it 4 out of 5 stars.

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