Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Should We Go Back To The Moon?

In recent years their has been discussion and  debate on whether NASA ever went to the Moon. Those who think we did not have been mostly overruled. They bring up questions of shadows or the lack thereof, and of the American flag in an unusual posture. Now the question is should we go back. NASA has no budget for future Moon landings and has in effect privatized future Earth orbits and trips to the Moon. An even better question is why have their been no Moon landings since 1972? There have been reports of the astronauts being met on the Moon by alien spacecraft, and of later communications warning us that the Moon is already spoken for. There has been a recent discovery of water on the Moon, and that would make it easier to establish and maintain a base there. Whatever the case, the next NASA mission to another world will probably be to Mars.

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