Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Movie "Skyline"

The new movie "Skyline" portrays an alien encounter that is not benevolent in nature. These aliens give little warning and do not arrive seeking dialog at all. I won't give the plot of the movie, but suffice to say, we were not seen as equals. This brings up the question of how the E.T.'s surrounding our planet think of us. Certainly they must see themselves as superior since we cannot even publicly acknowledge their  presence. If you were looking down on this planet and monitoring our news broadcasts, the only conclusion would be that we are extremely violent, and have no love for our fellow man. This kind of  behavior cannot be tolerated in the galactic society, and any attempt to blow ourselves up will be met with swift intervention and possible mass disclosure. I am not advocating sending a nuclear missile to Iran to prove the point, but I wonder how long before someone else tests this hypothesis.

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