Thursday, November 25, 2010

500th Alien Planet Discovered, With Hundreds More to Come

The 500th alien world appears to have been discovered, according to extrasolar planet trackers.
Less than 20 years after confirming the first planet beyond our own solar system, astronomers have bagged exoplanet No. 500. The milestone was reached Friday (Nov. 19), according to the Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia, a database compiled by astrobiologist Jean Schneider of the Paris-Meudon Observatory.
As of today (Nov. 22), the count stands at 502 alien worlds, the database reports.
The 500th extrasolar planet was reported in the midst of the discovery of several others. And there's always the risk a previous discovery turns out to be a false alarm, dropping the count.
For such reasons, it makes little sense to permanently anoint one particular world as "exoplanet 500," Schneider told

Courtesy of

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Should We Go Back To The Moon?

In recent years their has been discussion and  debate on whether NASA ever went to the Moon. Those who think we did not have been mostly overruled. They bring up questions of shadows or the lack thereof, and of the American flag in an unusual posture. Now the question is should we go back. NASA has no budget for future Moon landings and has in effect privatized future Earth orbits and trips to the Moon. An even better question is why have their been no Moon landings since 1972? There have been reports of the astronauts being met on the Moon by alien spacecraft, and of later communications warning us that the Moon is already spoken for. There has been a recent discovery of water on the Moon, and that would make it easier to establish and maintain a base there. Whatever the case, the next NASA mission to another world will probably be to Mars.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New Movie "Skyline"

The new movie "Skyline" portrays an alien encounter that is not benevolent in nature. These aliens give little warning and do not arrive seeking dialog at all. I won't give the plot of the movie, but suffice to say, we were not seen as equals. This brings up the question of how the E.T.'s surrounding our planet think of us. Certainly they must see themselves as superior since we cannot even publicly acknowledge their  presence. If you were looking down on this planet and monitoring our news broadcasts, the only conclusion would be that we are extremely violent, and have no love for our fellow man. This kind of  behavior cannot be tolerated in the galactic society, and any attempt to blow ourselves up will be met with swift intervention and possible mass disclosure. I am not advocating sending a nuclear missile to Iran to prove the point, but I wonder how long before someone else tests this hypothesis.

Monday, November 8, 2010

News Media's Changing Opinion

Several years ago when the network or cable news would report a U.F.O. sighting, they would basically laugh through the report, and make a joke of what the witnesses would say. Recently when U.F.O. sightings have been reported, the networks and cable outlets have been taking them more seriously, and they don't seem to discredit the witnesses. This is either a case of the media legitimizing the subject, or the reporters injecting their belief in the subject on air. Whichever the case, it is refreshing to see the subject treated like a legitimate news story, instead of a joke.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

NBC Show "The Event"

It seems that there has been a gradual indoctrination process to let the American people know that we are not alone in the universe. The NBC program "The Event" tells the story of 97 non terrestrial beings being held captive because they will not tell the truth about their motives. This show would seem to be an attempt to let us know about events that may have happened, or may happen in the future. Because of my mistrust of the government, this show could also be a setup to a fake alien invasion. I believe we have the technology to fake an invasion, and use it to get the population in line. Lets just hope we are being indoctrinated for the  real thing.