Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Definition of Disclosure

Recently, more and more columnists, authors and bloggers have wondered when UFO Disclosure would begin. They have been pointing to signs from the government and News media, stating that it's just a matter of time. It would seem to me that these people have missed the boat. Disclosure has been going on for years, and last year came to a head with the sightings over China and Russia. If the public is waiting for President Obama to call a press conference with an E.T. at his side, then they will be waiting for a long time. The government would not know where to begin, and also, not everyone knows and has been told the same information, so that would be an interesting press conference. My advice is to read between the lines, and check out how UFO stories are reported. Also, check out the new television shows and feature films. There is more truth in the plots than you could ever imagine. Just ask Steven Spielberg.

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