Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"False Flag" UFO Invasion Theory

Lately, there are increasing reports of a possible "False Flag" UFO invasion staged by the Illuminati, The New World Order, or maybe a combination of both. Examining the motive for such a staged event and the possible outcome is intriguing. The obvious motive would be to have the ultimate bad guy coming to destroy the planet, or in the best case scenario, relegating the Earths population to a life of servitude. Since the demise of Saddam Hussein, and the imminent downfall of Hosni Mubarek, not to mention the not so frightening idea of a terrorist act by Osama Bin Laden, we are running out of bad guys to blame for all the worlds ills. The fake invasion would put us back in our place, as we waited for the great governments of Earth to reason with the cold and uncaring aliens from some far off planet. The obvious reason  for this plan to fail would be that the real aliens who are watching this planet would squash the plan since they are not yet ready to reveal themselves.